Parco didattico Eco-Industriale dell’alta Val di Paglia
Interventi integrati per la valorizzazione e la fruizione sostenibile del paesaggio di Abbadia San Salvatore (SI) connessi alla realizzazione di un nuovo impianto di geotermia

Vista dall’alto
Il progetto di paesaggio, adottando una strategia ecologica basata su sistemi source-sink, intende estendere gli effetti degli interventi all’intero ambito vallivo, passando cioè da una logica di interventi base (mitigazione/compensazione) ad una proposta complessiva, capace di generare valore aggiunto, favorire il recupero e miglioramento dell’area produttiva e dell’ambiente fluviale della val di Paglia, rinsaldare le interconnessioni con sistemi storici, supportare nuovi usi non solo produttivi e auspicabili economie circolari e sostenibili.
The mitigation and compensation works related to the construction of the new geothermal power plant in the upper Val di Paglia, at the foot of Mount Amiata, have been conceived as a genuine landscape project. The planned interventions contribute to the creation of a system of public open spaces connected to the new geothermal facilities, aiming at ecological enhancement, safety, and the enjoyment of the valley area. In particular, the project includes the implementation of multifunctional measures along various watercourses to ensure hydro-geomorphological stability and reduce hydraulic risks. It also involves the establishment of new tree and shrub installations to protect and enhance habitats and biodiversity, reduce environmental fragmentation, and preserve and enhance the perceptual features of the landscape. Additionally, a new system of routes and public spaces will reinterpret the ancient and medieval historical paths along the valley floor and uphill towards Abbadia San Salvatore, promoting pedestrian and cycling use of the Paglia Valley.
By adopting an ecological strategy based on source-sink systems, the landscape project aims to extend the effects of the interventions to the entire valley area. This means shifting from a logic of basic interventions (mitigation/compensation) to a comprehensive proposal capable of generating added value, promoting the recovery and improvement of the productive area and the river environment of the Val di Paglia, strengthening connections with historical systems, and supporting new uses that go beyond production, fostering circular and sustainable economies.